Monday, March 2, 2009

snow day

Well March certainly has come in like a lion. We had about a foot of snow since last night. No school too, though I think they would have been fine with a delay. I got my workout in shoveling snow and I still have more to go. So, since I work at a health club, they NEVER close. I trudged in this morning, kids in tow. After I sent them to babysitting (they had the entire room plus two babysitters, all to themselves). Since my aqua classes tend to be more of an older crowd, I had a nice morning chatting with the life guard while we watched the empty pools. Two classes and no members. I left early and headed home but got stuck in my driveway. 30 minutes (more) of shoveling and I made it in the garage. I am not going back out today.

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